Tuesday 4 December 2012

Final Outcome evaluation

Evaluation on final outcome

Everyday life. The theme that was given to us to exploit and manipulate in anyway possible to make it as personal as we chose. In my case I decided to make is as natural as possible. Nothing staged, not digital enhancing or use of lighting. I decided to manipulate the lighting and everything that is naturally around me in everyday life effectively. My initial idea was to capture as much emotion as possible from the people that are usually around me and record each photo as if they were to be put into a diary for safe keeping. The reason I chose to represent my photos like this was not only because it was personal to me, and that I prefer to capture each moment as they come, but I felt that this would represent "everyday life" to the fullest.

However, to get to the final outcome was a struggle, I had produced two undeveloped negatives that couldn't be used, and even then the third set of negatives had been exposed to light slightly, causing lines over some of the pictures. This meant that I could only select certain photos to use out of all the others I selected, which stunted the effectiveness of my original intention.

With using all the techniques i've learnt over the past month or so made my work really stand out and made the photo take a shine on its own. I used each technique I learnt to relate to each picture, fro example I used inez and vinoodh's method to make an oystercard for the picture with the bus stop. I also manipulated the chemicals themselves to develop the picture. 

Additionally in order to make this a success I need to research other photographers to influence me. I already had an idea of what I wanted to achieve from this outcome, I knew that I was inspired by both emotion and landscape, so the photographers I looked at included the inspiring work of  Jason Lee, who's work although digitally enhanced was all about fun and the emotion of his daughters and the emotion he also captures in the wedding pictures he takes. I also had a look at the landscape photographer Ansel adams, who's photos of landscaping were breathtaking. Looking at these two photographers inspired me to take my ideas further.

In the end I believe that my final outcome was a success, although experiencing several hiccups I believe in the end I was able to achieve what was asked of me in the best way I could, if i was change anything out my final outcome I would have like to have used more photos that included more emotion.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent written evaluation, well done. You could include some images from the project maybe and some development photos, just as a visual context. Now please complete the other outstanding posts.
